Excellence of branding makes the difference

Long Story Short

Foster loyalty, and establish a sense of value.


Branding is a critical aspect of any company's success, as it encompasses everything from visual identity to messaging and personality. It plays a key role in establishing a company's reputation and relationship with its customers. A strong brand identity helps to differentiate a company from competitors, making it easier for customers to recognize and remember it. By consistently using the same visual elements and messaging across all marketing materials, companies create a sense of familiarity that builds trust and helps customers feel more connected to the brand.

Facts and Figures

I focus on crafting web experiences and designs that works.

Suspendisse eu ligula. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Etiam rhoncus. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Cras sagittis. Praesent egestas tristique nibh.

  • Context

    Blue Ocean Sailing is a luxury sailing company in Martinique [France] that rents out upscale sailboats for unique and sophisticated sailing experiences. The branding aims to establish a strong and consistent identity that embodies the premium quality and exclusivity of the company's services, using high-end visuals and messaging to differentiate it from competitors and build trust and loyalty with clients.

  • Process

    To develop a branding strategy, I first researched the target audience and competitors to identify unique selling points and areas for differentiation. From there, I developed a visual identity that reflected the company's values and personality, including a color palette, typography, and imagery that aligned with the luxury and sophistication of Blue Ocean Sailing's services. I also crafted messaging that emphasized the exclusivity and premium quality of the company's sailboats and services, using language that resonated with the target audience. Finally, I ensured consistency in all marketing materials, including the website, social media, and other communications, to establish a strong and recognizable brand presence that built trust and loyalty with clients.

  • Kpi

    The campaign was successful in achieving its goals. Increased brand awareness, website traffic, social media reach and engagement, sales and revenue growth, customer retention, and customer satisfaction all indicate that the branding campaign resonated with the target audience and effectively communicated the luxury and exclusivity of Blue Ocean Sailing's services.


A picture is worth a thousand words.

Design Manager

Branded towel on the boat

Branded towel on the boat - Design Manager

Design Manager

Boat fully branded

Boat fully branded - Design Manager

Design Manager

Marketing Content

Marketing Content - Design Manager

Design Manager

Graphic Charter & Moodboard

Graphic Charter & Moodboard - Design Manager